Price List
W.E.F 01-04-2025

1. Home/Hospital visit for Blood Collection * Free
2. Hospital visit for BM 300
3. Hospital visit for FNAC 200
4. Courier & Service charges 250
5. Dry Ice Charges 500
6. Specimen return (upto 6 months) 100

*T&C Apply - Only for admitted, non-ambulatory and sick patients
*Rs.50 for non admitted, ambulatory patients.
Apart from any other tests and IHC markers mentioned above,please contact main Lab.

Sl.No Test Code Investigations MRP Method Specimen TAT
1 1001 Absolute Eosinophil Count 150 Automated, Cell Count Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
2 1002 Absolute Lymphocyte Count 150 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
3 1003 Absolute Neutrophil Count 150 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
4 1004 ACTH Stimulation test for cortisol (3 samples) 1840 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
5 1005 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) for TB 420 Biochemistry Serum, Body fluids 2 Hrs
6 1006 AFB Smear (ZN Stain) 180 Microscopy Sputum, Body fluids, Pus, etc 2 Hrs
7 1007 AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein) 700 ELFA Serum 3 Hrs
8 1008 Albert Stain for C.diphtheriae 200 Microscopy Throat swab 2 Hrs
9 1010 Albumin 130 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, Fluid 2 Hrs
10 1009 Albumin creatinine Ratio 550 Vitros Dry Chemistry &Calculated 10ml Spot Urine 2 Hrs
11 1011 Albumin, Urine 480 Vitros Dry Chemistry 24hrs or spot Urine 2 Hrs
12 1012 Alkaline Phosphatase 130 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
13 1013 AMH 2100 ELFA Serum 3 Hrs
14 1014 AMH plus premium
AMH, FSH, LH, Testosterone, TSH, Progesterone, Prolactin
3850 CLIA, ELFA Serum 6 Hrs
15 1015 AMH Plus supreme
AMH, FSH, LH, Testosterone, TSH, Progesterone, Prolactin,
free testosterone and E2
6600 CLIA, ELFA Serum 6 Hrs
16 1016 Ammonia 550 Vitros Dry Chemistry Whole Blood EDTA 1 Hr
17 1017 Amylase 350 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, body fluids 2 Hrs
18 1019 ANA Profile 3500 Blot Method Serum 24 Hrs
19 1020 ANA(Antinuclear antibody) 600 ELISA Serum 5 Hrs
20 1021 Anaemia Profile
Iron profile, Vitamin B12, Folic acid
3300 Refer , Individual test Serum 3 Hrs
21 1022 ANC Profile
CBC, Blood group, HIV, HBsAg, VDRL,
RBS, Urine routine
1300 Refer , Individual test Serum, Whole blood EDTA & 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
22 1023 Anti CCP antibody 1000 Up-Converting Phosphor Technology Serum 2 Hrs
23 1024 Anti Phospholipid Antibody IgG 900 ELISA Serum 4 Hrs
24 1025 Anti Phospholipid Antibody IgM 900 ELISA Serum 4 Hrs
25 1026 Anti TPO antibody 770 ELFA Serum 3 Hrs
26 1028 APTT 350 Optical Coagulation Assay Whole blood citrate 2 Hrs
27 1029 Arneth Count 120 Microscopy Whole blood EDTA 2 hrs
28 1031 Arthritis Profile - 1
RA factor, CRP, ASLO, CBC ESR, Brucella,
ANA, Uric Acid
2700 Refer , Individual test Serum, Whole blood EDTA 6 Hrs
29 1030 Arthritis Profile - 2
RA factor, CRP, ASLO, CBC ESR, Brucella,
ANA, Uric Acid, Anti CCP antibody
3600 Refer , Individual test Serum, Whole blood EDTA 6 Hrs
30 1032 ASLO 400 Nephelometry Serum 2 Hrs
31 1033 Beta-hCG,serum 750 CLIA Serum 3 Hrs
32 1353 Bicarbonate 400 Manoal Serum 2 Hrs
33 1034 Bile Salts & Bile Pigments, Urine 60 Chemical test 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
34 1035 Bilirubin 130 Biochemistry Serum 2 Hrs
35 1036 BJ Proteins 220 Heat test 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
36 1037 Bleeding & Clotting Time 110 Manual For walk In patients only 2 Hrs
37 1038 Blood gas analysis (ABG) 1300 ABG analyser 2ml heparinised arterial blood 1 hr
38 1039 Blood Group (ABO&Rh) 70 Manual Whole blood EDTA 1 Hr
39 1040 Blood Group Confirmation 330 Matrix gel system Whole blood EDTA and Serum 2 Hrs
40 1041 Blood Routine (CBC,ESR,PS) 400 Automated, Cell Counter Whole blood EDTA 2 Hrs
41 1042 BMI 40 Manual For walk in patients only 2 Hrs
42 1043 BOH Profile Mini
Lupus Anticoagulant, TSH, Torch IgM
5500 Refer , Individual test Serum and Whole blood citrate 24 Hrs
43 1044 Bone marrow aspiration study
(only report)
1000 Microscopy Stained/unstained smears 24 Hrs
44 1045 Bone marrow aspiration study
(procedure+Report) with appointment
2000 Microscopy For walk In patients only 24 Hrs
45 1046 Bone marrow trephine biopsy
(procedure+Report) with appointment
5500 Microscopy BM biopsy in 10% Formalin 5 days
46 1047 Bone marrow trephine biopsy
(Only Report)
1100 Microscopy BM biopsy in 10% Formalin 5 days
47 1048 BP & Pulse Rate 70 Manual For walk in patients only 2 Hrs
48 1050 Brucella test
(Tube method)
260 Tube Aggulutation Serum 24 Hrs
49 1049 Brucella test(Slide method) 220 Slide Aggulutation Serum 2 Hrs
50 1051 BSL-13
1700 Vitros Dry Chemistry, CLIA Serum 3 hrs
51 1052 BST
180 Refer , Individual test Fasting and PP Serum and urine 2 Hrs
52 1055 CA-125 950 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
53 1056 Calcium
250 ISE Serum 2 Hrs
54 1057 Calcium
220 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
55 1058 Calcium Creatinine Ratio 320 Vitros Dry Chemistry & calculated 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
56 1059 Calcium profile
Total and Ionised calcium
420 Vitros Dry Chemistry + ISE Serum 2 Hrs
57 1060 Calcium, 24hrs Urine 220 Vitros Dry Chemistry 24hrs Urine 2 Hrs
58 1061 Cancer Screen, Female
CA 19.9, CA-15.3, Calcitonin,
Thyroglobulin, Pap smear HPV DNA, CBC
13200 Refer , Individual test Whole blood EDTA, Serum and
alcohol fixed cervical smears
24 Hrs
59 1062 Cancer Screen, Male
AFP, CEA, CA19.9, CA 15.3,
Calcitonin, Thyroglobulin,
10400 Refer , Individual test Whole blood EDTA and Serum 24 Hrs
60 1063 Cardiac injury profile
Troponin I, CPK Total, CK MB,
2400 Refer , Individual test Whole blood EDTA
and Serum
2 Hrs
61 1064 CBC (Reading only) 300 Automated, Cell Counter Whole blood EDTA 2 Hrs
62 1065 CEA 850 ELFA Serum 4 Hrs
63 1066 Cell count & type 200 Microscopy Body fluids 2 Hrs
64 1067 Chikungunya DNA Detection 4200 PCR Whole blood EDTA 24 Hrs
65 1068 Chikungunya IgM antibody 380 Immunochromatography Serum 2 Hrs
66 1069 Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA 4000 PCR Eye swab, fluid,
urine, vaginal swab
24 Hrs
67 1070 Chloride 250 ISE Serum or CSF
or Fluid
2 Hrs
68 1071 Chloride, Urine 250 ISE 24hrs Urine
2 Hrs
69 1072 Cholesterol HDL 220 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
70 1073 Cholesterol LDL 280 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
71 1074 Cholesterol Total 200 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, Fluid 2 Hrs
72 1075 Cholinesterase 600 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 1 Hr
73 1076 CK-MB 700 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 1 Hr
74 1365 CMV IgG Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
75 1364 CMV IgG IgM Antibody 1400 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
76 1366 CMV IgM Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
77 1078 Coagulation Profile – 1
Platelet Count, PT, APTT
700 Optical assay & Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
& Citrate
2 Hrs
78 1079 Coagulation Profile – 2
CBC, PT, APTT, D-Dimer
1700 Optical assay & Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
& Citrate
2 Hrs
79 1080 Complement C3 550 Nephelometry Serum 2 Hrs
80 1081 Complement C4 880 Nephelometry Serum 2 Hrs
Complete Haemogram, FBS, PPBS,
Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Uric acid,
Electrolytes, Lipid Profile, LFT, Urine
routine, Calcium, Thyroid Profile,
HbA1C, Height, Weight, BMI, BP, Pulse rate
2750 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA blood,
Fasting and Postprandial Serum
and 10ml urine
2 Hrs
82 1082_CHC EXT Complete health check up extended panel
Complete Haemogram, FBS, PPBS,
Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Uric acid,
Electrolytes, Lipid Profile, LFT, Urine
routine, Calcium, Thyroid Profile, Ferritin, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3,
HbA1C, Height, Weight, BMI, BP, Pulse rate
4000 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA blood,
Fasting and Postprandial Serum
and 10ml urine
2 Hrs
83 1082_CHC EXT with HIV HBSAG Complete health check up extended panel with HIV HBsAg
Complete Haemogram, FBS, PPBS,
Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Uric acid,
Electrolytes, Lipid Profile, LFT, Urine
routine, Calcium, Thyroid Profile, Ferritin, Vitamin B12,
Vitamin D3, HIV HBSAG, HbA1C, Height, Weight, BMI, BP,
Pulse rate
4500 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA blood,
Fasting and Postprandial Serum
and 10ml urine
2 Hrs
84 1082_CHC With HIV HBSAG Complete Health Check Up With HIV HBSAG
Complete Haemogram, FBS, PPBS,
Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Uric acid,
Electrolytes, Lipid Profile, LFT, Urine
routine, Calcium, Thyroid Profile,
HbA1C, Height, Weight, BMI, BP, Pulse rate
3250 Refer, Individual Test Whole Blood EDTA blood, Fasting and Postprandml urine 2 Hrs
85 1083 Cortisol Serum
Blood Collection Time -
( 7 am - 9 am & 3 pm - 5 pm)
800 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
86 1084 Cortisol Urine
(in 10gm of boric acid
as preservative)
950 CLIA 24hrs Urine 4 Hrs
87 1085 Cotinine 500 Immunochromatography 10ml Urine 1 hr
88 1091 CPK Total 600 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 1 Hr
89 1092 Creatinine 140 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, Fluid 2 Hrs
90 1093 Creatinine clearance test 220 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum and 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
91 1094 Creatinine, 24hrs Urine 140 Vitros Dry Chemistry 24hrs Urine 2 Hrs
92 1095 Cross Matching 330 Matrix gel system Patient+Donor blood
Whole Blood EDTA and Serum
2 Hrs
93 1096 CRP (C-Reactive protein) 400 Nephelometry Serum 2 Hrs
94 1097 Cryptococcal antigen test 1400 Manual CSF or Serum 2 Hrs
95 1098 CSF analysis 450 Vitros Dry Chemistry & Manual CSF 1 Hr
96 1099 CSF Protein 130 Vitros Dry Chemistry 1ml CSF 1 hr
97 1100 CSF Sugur 60 Vitros Dry Chemistry 1ml CSF 1 hr
98 1102 Culture & sensitivity, Aerobic 800 Conventional culture + VITEK 2 Compact. Urine, Pus, swab, etc 48 Hrs
99 1103 Culture & sensitivity, Aerobic 950 BACTEC + VITEK 2 Compact Body fluids/Blood In
Bactec aerobic bottle
5 Days
100 1101 Culture, (Brucella) 900 Bactec 5ml blood 8 days
101 1104 Cytology (TC, DC) 170 Microscopy Fluids 1 hr
102 1105 Cytology for malignant cells 750 Microscopy Body fluids 2 Hrs
103 1106 Cytology slide for review 750 Microscopy 1 or 2 slides 2 Hrs
104 1107 Cytology slide for review 1100 Microscopy More than 2 slides 2 Hrs
105 1108 D-Dimer 1000 Nephelometry Citrate plasma 1 Hr
106 1109 Dengue (IgG) 550 ELFA Serum 2 hrs
107 1110 Dengue (IgG, IgM, NS1) 600 Immunochromatography Serum 1 hr
108 1112 Dengue (IgM) 550 ELFA Serum 2 hrs
109 1113 Dengue (NS1) 550 ELFA Serum 2 hrs
110 1111 Dengue Profile
(IgG+ IgM antibodies + NS1 antigen)
1650 ELFA Serum 2 Hrs
111 1114 Dengue RNA Detection 4000 PCR Whole Blood EDTA,
Serum or CSF
24 Hrs
112 1115 Diabetes Screen
550 Vitrosa Dry Chemistry, HPLC Serum 2ml EDTA 2 hrs
113 1116 Diabetic Profile – 1
FBS, PPBS, HbA1C, Urine Complete,
Creatinine, Urine ACR.
1100 Refer , Individual test Fasting and PP Serum,
Whole Blood EDTA and
10ml Urine
4 Hrs
114 1117 Diabetic Profile – 2
FBS, PPBS, Creatinine, Electrolytes,
Lipid Profile, HbA1C, Urine Complete,
1800 Refer , Individual test Fasting and PP Serum,
Whole Blood EDTA and
10ml Urine
4 Hrs
115 1118 Dialysis Profile
Proteins,ALP,Ca,Phosphorus,Uric acid
1800 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA and Serum 2 Hrs
116 1119 DIC Profile
PT, APTT, BT, CT, D-Dimer,
Fibrinogen, CBC, PS
2900 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA
& Citrate
2 Hrs
117 1120 Differential WBC Count 170 Automated, Cell Counter, Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
118 1121 DIPSI test 60 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, 2hrs after ingestion
of 75gms glucose
2 Hrs
119 1122 Direct Coombs test 330 Matrix gel system Whole Blood EDTA
and Serum
2 Hrs
120 1123 DU test
For Rh blood group confirmation
330 Matrix gel system Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
121 1124 eGFR 170 Vitros Dry Chemistry/Calculation Serum (Mention age) 2 Hrs
122 1125 Electrolytes 500 ISE Indirect Dialysis fluid 2 Hrs
123 1126 Electrolytes 500 ISE Indirect 24hrs Urine 2 Hrs
124 1127 Electrolytes
( Sodium, Potassium, Chloride)
500 ISE Serum 2 Hrs
125 1128 Endocrine Fertility Profile – Female
FSH, LH, Prolactin, Estradiol, TSH, AMH
3900 CLIA & ELFA Serum, (Day 2 to 5) 6 Hrs
126 1129 Endocrine Fertility Profile – Male
FSH, LH, Prolactin, Testosterone, TSH
1800 CLIA Serum 6 Hrs
127 1130 Eosinophil count 170 Microscopy Sputum/BAL fluid 2 Hrs
128 1131 ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate) 100 ESR Analyser Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
129 1132 Fat Globules Urine 70 Microscopy 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
130 1134 FENa 750 - Serum and Urine 2 Hrs
131 1133 Ferritin 550 CLIA Serum 2 Hrs
132 1135 Fever Profile - 1
CBC,MP, Typhoid test, Urine Complete"
550 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA ,
Serum and 10 ml urine
2 Hrs
133 1136 Fever Profile – 2
CBC, ESR, MP, Widal, Urine Complete,
Malaria antigen, Typhoid antibody,
Brucella, Blood & Urine C/S, HIV,
3300 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA,
Serum, 10 ml Urine and
blood in blood c/s container
2 Hrs, 48 Hrs & 5 Days
134 1137 Fibrinogen 1000 Optical Coagulationassay Whole blood citrate 2 Hrs
135 1140 Fluid (Protein & Sugar) 170 Vitros Dry Chemistry Body fluids 2 Hrs
136 1138 Fluid analysis 400 Vitros Dry Chemistry & Microscopy Ascitic fluid, Pleural fluid,
Synovial fluid, Pericardial fluid
2 Hrs
137 1139 Fluid TC, DC 240 Microscopy Fluid 1 hr
138 1141 FNAC 750 Microscopy Walk in patients or
alcohol fixed smears
2 Hrs
139 1142 Folic Acid 1350 CLIA Serum
48 hrs
140 1143 Free T3 220 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
141 1144 Free T4 220 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
142 1145 Fructose (Qualitative) 60 Chemical test Semen 2 Hrs
143 1146 FSH 400 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
144 1147 Fungal Culture 1100 Manual & Automated Sample in sterile container 21 Days
145 1148 Fungal stain 160 Microscopy Sample in sterile container 2 Hrs
146 1149 G-6-PD (Qualitative) 380 Manual Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
147 1150 GGTP (Gamma GT) 190 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
148 1151 Giemsa Stain 180 Microscopy Sample in sterile container 2 hrs
149 1152 Giemsa stain for Mycoplasma 180 Microscopy - -
150 1153 Glucose (FBS/PPBS/RBS/PGBS) 60 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
151 1154 Glucose challenge test 60 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 1 Samples 2 Hrs
152 1155 Glucose tolerance test
120 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum and urine 2 Sample 2 Hrs
153 1156 Glucose tolerance test (Pregnancy) 240 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum and urine 4 Samples 2 Hrs
154 1157 Glucose, Urine
30 Chemical Test 10ml Urine 30 Min
155 1158 Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C) 420 HPLC Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
156 1159 Gonococci Smear 120 Microscopy Pus or urine 2 Hrs
157 1160 Gram Stain 120 Microscopy Sample in sterile container
2 Hrs
158 1161 H pylori Stain 180 Microscopy Tissue
4 days
159 1162 H1N1 4200 PCR Nasopharyngeal/
nasal/Throat swab.
24 Hrs
160 1163 Haemoglobin (HB%) 120 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
161 1164 Haemoglobin-Free 150 Chemical test 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
162 1165 Haemogram
(CBC,ESR,Blood Group,PS)
450 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
163 1166 Haemolytic Anaemia profile
CBC, Reticulocyte count, G-6-PD,
Osmolitic fragility test, LDH, DCT,
HB electrophoresis, SGOT, S.Bilirubin
3100 Refer , Individual test Serum or Whole Blood EDTA 4 Hrs
164 1167 Hanging drop preparation (HDP) 70 Microscopy Stool 2 Hrs
165 1168 HBeAg 660 ELFA Serum 4 Hrs
166 1169 HBsAg 400 CLIA Serum 2 Hrs
167 1170 HBV RNA Viral Load 4200 PCR Whole Blood EDTA 24 Hrs
168 1171 HCV antibody 600 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
169 1172 HCV DNA Viral Load 4200 PCR Whole Blood EDTA 24 Hrs
170 1173 Heinz bodies 180 Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
171 1174 Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) IgM antibody 500 ELFA Serum 4 Hrs
172 1175 Hepatitis B Profile – 2
HBsAg, HBeAg, Anti HbeAg, LFT
Anti-HBC IgM, HBV DNA Viral load
7000 Refer , Individual test Serum, Whole Blood EDTA 24 Hrs
173 1176 Hepatitis B Profile-1
HBsAg, HBeAg, Anti-HBeAg,
3000 Refer , Individual test Serum 6 Hrs
174 1177 Hepatitis E Virus (HEV), IgM antibody 1150 ELFA Serum 4 Hrs
175 1178 Hepatitis marker profile
HAV IgM, HBsAg, Anti HBcAg IgM,
Anti HCV, Anti HEV IgM
3500 Refer , Individual test Serum 6 Hrs
176 1179 HIV Card Test 400 Immunochromatography Serum 1 hr
177 1180 HIV Screening Test 400 CLIA Serum 2 Hrs
178 1181 HIV Western Blot 2500 Blot Method Serum 24 Hrs
179 1182 HIV1 RNA Viral Load 6000 PCR Whole Blood EDTA 6 hrs
180 1183 HLA B27 3400 PCR Whole Blood EDTA 24 Hrs
181 1185 HPR Amputation Sp 6000 Microscopy Amputation Extremity 7 Days
182 1186 HPR Cell Block 900 Microscopy Fluid 4 days
183 1193 HPR Slide for review 900 Microscopy 1 or 2 Slides 24 Hrs
184 1194 HPR Slide for review 1200 Microscopy More than 2 slides 24 Hrs
185 1355 HPR Slide for review with IHC 10000 Microscopy FFPE 5 Days
186 1187 HPR, Large Specimen 1100 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 7 Days
187 1188 HPR, Medium sized bony specimen 1050 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 7 Days
188 1189 HPR, Medium sized Specimen 1000 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 5 Days
189 1190 HPR, Radical operation Specimen 3300 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 7 Days
190 1191 HPR, Small bony Specimen 1000 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 7 Days
191 1192 HPR, Small soft tissue Specimen 900 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 4 Days
192 1195 HPR, Very large Specimen 1700 Microscopy Tissue in 10 % formalin 7 Days
193 1196 HPV DNA 2700 PCR Cervical scrapping, vaginal swab,
tissue, sample in LBC fluid tube
24 Hrs
194 1197 hSCRP 400 Nephelometry Serum 2 Hrs
195 1368 HSV 1 IgG Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
196 1367 HSV 1 IgM & IgG Antibody 1400 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
197 1370 HSV 2 IgG & IgM Antibody 1400 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
198 1371 HSV 2 IgG Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
199 1372 HSV 2 IgM Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
200 1369 Hsv1 IgM Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 rs
201 1199 Hypertension Profile
CBC, Lipid profile, FBS, Creatinine,
Urea, Electrolytes, Urine Complete.
1400 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA,
Fasting Serum
and 10ml Urine
2 Hrs
202 1200 IgE Total 650 CLIA Serum 2 Hrs
203 1201 IHC (ER) 2200 Immunohistochemistry Tissue In 10% Formalin Or Block / FFPE 5 Days
204 1202 IHC (ER,PR,Her2Neu) 4800 IHC Tissue In 10% Formalin Or Block / FFPE
5 Days
205 1203 IHC (ER,PR,Her2Neu, Ki67) 6200 IHC Tissue In 10% Formalin Or Block / FFPE 5 Days
206 1204 IHC (Her 2 neu) 2200 IHC Tissue In 10% Formalin Or Block / FFPE 5 Days
207 1205 IHC (Ki 67) 2200 Immunohistochemistry Tissue In 10% Formalin Or Block / FFPE 5 Days
208 1206 IHC (PR) 2200 Immunohistochemistry Tissue In 10% Formalin Or Block / FFPE 5 Days
209 1207 India ink preparation 130 Microscopy CSF 2 Hrs
210 1208 Indirect Coombs test 300 Matrix gel system Whole Blood EDTA
and Serum
2 Hrs
211 1209 Indirect Coombs test with titre 900 Matrix gel system Whole Blood EDTA
and Serum
2 Hrs
212 1212 Iron 300 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
213 1213 Iron Profile
Ferritin, Iron, TIBC,
Transferrin Saturation
1100 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
214 1214 Ketone bodies, Urine 50 Reflectance photometry 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
215 1216 KOH Preparation 140 Microscopy Sample in sterile container 2 Hrs
216 1217 Lactate 600 Vitros Dry Chemistry CSF/blood in fluoride tube 2 Hrs
217 1218 LDH 280 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, body fluids 2 Hrs
218 1219 LE Cell preparation 400 Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
219 1220 Leptospira, IgM antibody 500 Immunochromatography Serum 2 Hrs
220 1221 LH 400 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
221 1222 Lipase 440 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, body fluids 2 Hrs
222 1223 Lipid Profile
Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol,
LDL Cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol,
Triglycerides, Ratios
380 Vitros Dry Chemistry Fasting Serum 2 Hrs
223 1224 Liver Onco marker Profile
1500 Refer , Individual test Serum 4 Hrs
224 1225 Liver Profile – 1 (LFT)
S.Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, ALP,
Total protein, Albumin, A/G ratio.
440 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
225 1226 Liver Profile – 2
Liver Profile 1 + Total Cholesterol,
Prothrombin time
660 Refer , Individual test Serum and Whole Blood Citrate 2 Hrs
226 1227 Lupus Anticoagulant 1500 Manual Citrate plasma
2 Hrs
227 1229 Magnesium 380 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
228 1228 Magnesium, Urine 380 Vitros Dry Chemistry 24 hrs Urine 2 Hrs
229 1230 Malaria antibody 170 Immunochromatography Serum
2 Hrs
230 1231 Malaria antigen 220 Immunochromatography Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
231 1232 Malaria parasite (PS for MP) 150 Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
232 1233 Malaria profile
CBC, PS for MP, urine Complete,
Malaria antigen & antibody
700 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA
10ml urine
2 Hrs
233 1234 Mantoux Test 100 Microscopy For walk in patients only 48 to 72 Hrs
234 1235 MCH 150 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
235 1236 MCHC 150 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
236 1237 MCV 150 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
237 1238 Menopause Profile
FSH, LH, Estradiol, TSH, FT4, Calcium,
Phosphorus, Albumin, FBS, PPBS,
Alkaline Phosphatase, Lipid profile
2500 Refer , Individual test Fasting Serum
Postprandial Serum
6 Hrs
238 1239 Metabolic Profile
FBS, Lipid Profile, Urea, Creatinine,
Uric Acid, Electrolytes, Calcium, ALP,
Phosphorus, SGOT, SGPT, S. Proteins
2000 Refer , Individual test Fasting serum 2 Hrs
239 1240 Microalbumin 480 Nephelometry 10ml Urine or Body fluids 2 Hrs
240 1241 Microfilaria 150 Microscopy Blood smear 2 Hrs
241 1242 Microscopy, Urine 60 Microscopy 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
242 1243 Mixing Study (APTT) 3000 Optical Coagulation Assay Sodium citrate
5 Hrs
243 1244 Mixing Study (PT) 3000 Optical Coagulation Assay Sodium citrate
5 Hrs
244 1245 MPV 150 Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
1 hr
245 1246 Neisseria Gonorrhoea 3600 PCR Urethral/endocervical swab, urethral/
vaginal discharge sample in
sterile container
24 Hrs
246 1247 Nocardia detection by smear examination 180 Microscopy Sputum, tissue in normal saline 24 Hrs
247 1248 NT-Pro BNP 2200 Up-Converting Phosphor Technology Serum 1 Hr
248 1249 Obesity Profile
Cortisol, T3, T4, TSH, FBS, PPBS,
Lipid Profile, Electrolytes, Creatinine,
Calcium, Phosphorus, Uric acid,
Urine routine.
2400 Refer , Individual test Fasting Serum
Postprandial Serum
10ml urine
6 Hrs
249 1250 Occult blood 120 Immunochromatography Stool or
2 Hrs
250 1251 Oestradiol (E2) 770 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
251 1252 Opportunistic Protozoa in stool 220 Microscopy Stool
2 Hrs
252 1253 Osmolality, Serum 1100 Vitros Dry Chemistry/Calculation Serum
2 Hrs
253 1254 Osmolality, Urine 1100 Vitros Dry Chemistry/Calculation 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
254 1255 Osmotic fragility test 330 Manual Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
255 1256 OT/ICU/Labour Room Culture 250/swab Conventional Swabs or
3 Days
256 1257 Ovarian Tumour Markers
AFP, B-hCG, CA-125, CEA
3000 Refer , Individual test Serum
5 hrs
257 1258 Pancreatitis profile
CBC, Lipase, Amylase, Calcium, Bilirubin
1400 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA and Serum
2 Hrs
258 1259 PAP Smear 700 Microscopy Alcohol fixed cervical Smears
2 Hrs
259 1260 Parathyroid Hormone 1000 ELFA Serum 2 Hrs
260 1261 Parathyroid panel
PTH, Proteins, Magnesium,
Alkaline Phosphatase, Creatinine,
Calcium-Total & Ionised, Calcium
creatinine ratio
1850 Refer , Individual test Serum
10ml urine
6 Hrs
261 1262 PCOD Profile
FSH, LH, Prolactin, Testosterone, TSH,
Insulin – F&PP, FBS, PPBS
3200 Refer , Individual test Fasting Serum
Postprandial Serum
6 Hrs
262 1263 PCV 130 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
263 1264 Peripheral Smear study (PS Study)
with CBC
300 Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
264 1265 pH 50 Reflectance photometry Urine, Body fluids
2 Hrs
265 1266 Phosphorus 130 Vitros Dry Chemistry 24 Hrs Urine
2 Hrs
266 1267 Phosphorus

130 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
267 1268` Platelet count 130 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
268 1269 Pneumocystis carinii (PCP) Smear 120 Microscopy BAL or
Sample in sterile container
2 Hrs
269 1270 Potassium 220 ISE Indirect Serum 2 Hrs
270 1272 Potassium creatinine ratio 420 Vitros Dry Chemistry 10ml spot urine 1 hr
271 1271 Potassium, Urine 250 ISE Indirect 24hrs Urine
2 Hrs
272 1273 Pregnancy test, Urine 100 Immunochromatography 10ml Urine
2 Hrs
273 1274 Procalcitonin 2300 Up-Converting Phosphor Technology Serum
2 Hrs
274 1275 Progesteron 600 ELFA Serum 4 Hrs
275 1276 Prolactin 350 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
276 1277 Prolactine, Pooled serum 450 CLIA Serum(0, 20, 40 min) 3 hrs
277 1278 Protein Creatinine ratio 220 Vitros Dry Chemistry Spot or 24 hrs Urine 2 Hrs
278 1279 Protein Qualitative 40 Chemical Urine
2 Hrs
279 1281 Proteins
Total, Albumin, Globulin & AG Ratio
180 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 Hrs
280 1280 Proteins (Total) 120 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, Fluid 2 Hrs
281 1282 Proteins, 24 hrs Urine 180 Vitros Dry Chemistry Spot or
24 hrs Urine
2 Hrs
282 1283 Prothrombin Time 230 Optical Coagulation assay Whole blood citrate 2 Hrs
283 1284 PRP Preparation 500 Manual 8ml blood in ACD Tube 2 hr
284 1285 PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen Total) 650 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
285 1286 RA Factor 350 Nephelometry Serum
2 Hrs
286 1287 RBC Count 130 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
287 1288 RDW (Red cell distribution width) 130 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
288 1289 Reducing Sugars 30 Benedicts Test Stool or
2 Hrs
289 1290 Renal Profile (KFT)
Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Electrolytes, RBS,
Uric acid, Urine Complete, CBC
800 Refer , Individual test Serum
Whole Blood EDTA
10ml urine
2 Hrs
290 1291 Reticulocyte Count 80 Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
291 1292 Rheumatic fever panel
CBC, ESR, ASLO, CRP, Throat swab C/S"
1350 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA
throad swab
2 Hrs & 48 Hrs
292 1293 Rheumatoid arthritis panel – 1
1850 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA
6 Hrs
293 1294 Rheumatoid arthritis panel – 2
Anti – CCP antibody
2350 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA
6 Hrs
Complete Haemogram, Fasting / PP Blood Sugar, Lipid Profile, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, LFT, Urine Complete, Height, Weight,
BMI, Calcium, BP, Pulse rate
1400 Refer , Individual test Fasting Serum
Postprandial Serum
Whole Blood EDTA
10 ml Urine
6 Hrs
295 1295 RHC With HIV HBSAG Routine Health Check up With HIV HBSAG
Complete Haemogram, Fasting / PP Blood Sugar,
Lipid Profile, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, LFT, Urine Complete,
Height, Weight, BMI, Calcium, BP, Pulse rate
1900 Refer, Individual test Fasting & PP Serum, Whole blood EDTA, and 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
296 1361 Rubella IgG & IgM Antibody 1400 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
297 1362 Rubella IgG Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
298 1363 Rubella IgM Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
299 1297 SAAG 240 Vitrosa Dry Chemistry Serum
2ml Ascitic fluid
2 hr
300 1298 Salmonella typhi detection 5800 PCR Whole Blood EDTA 24 Hrs
301 1299 SBT 13 (LIC)
FBS, Urea, Creatinine, Lipid profile,
1250 Refer , Individual test Serum
2 Hrs
302 1300 Semen Analysis (Automated) 600 Automated Semen
2 Hrs
303 1301 Semen Analysis (Manual) 220 Manual Semen
1 hr
304 1302 Semen Processing 1550 Manual Semen
2 Hrs
305 1303 SGOT 130Q Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
306 1304 SGPT 130 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
307 1305 Sickling test 120 Microscopy Whole Blood EDTA 24 Hrs
308 1306 Skin Slit smear for lepra bacilli 200 Microscopy - 2 Hrs
309 1307 SMA 12+2
FBS, Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid,
Calcium, Phosphorus, Proteins,
Cholestrol, SGOT, SGPT, Alkline
Phosphatase, Bilirubin, LDH, CPK
1800 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum 2 hrs
310 1309 Sodium 230 ISE Indirect Serum
2 Hrs
311 1308 Sodium, 24hrs Urine 250 ISE Indirect Urine
2 Hrs
312 1310 Specific gravity, Urine 40 Reflectance photometry Urine 2 Hrs
313 1354 Sperm DNA Fragmentation (DFI) 5000 CLIA Serum 2 Hrs
314 1311 STD Profile
HSV 1&2 (IgG & IgM),
Urine routine
3000 Refer , Individual test Serum
10ml urine
24 Hrs
315 1312 Stool routine 70 MicroscopyQ Stool
2 Hrs
316 1313 Sugar, Urine 30 Benedicts Test 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
317 1314 Syphilis test (VDRL+TPHA) 220 Slide agglutination / Immunochromatography Serum
2 Hrs
318 1315 T3
170 CLIA Serum 2 Hrs
319 1316 T4 170 CLIA Serum
2 Hrs
320 1317 TB Gold 2700 CLIA Lithium Heparin
24 Hrs
321 1319 TB PCR Reflex RIF 2000 PCR Sputum or
Fluids or
Tissue in NS
24 Hrs
322 1320 TC 130 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA
2 Hrs
323 1321 TC & DC, Blood 220 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
324 1322 Testosterone, Total 460 CLIA Serum
4 Hrs
325 1323 Throid Profile – 6
T3, FT3, T4, FT4, TSH,
Anti TPO Antibodies
1400 Refer , Individual test Serum
5 Hrs
326 1324 Thyroid Profile
T3, T4, TSHq
420 CLIA Serum 4 Hrs
327 1325 Thyroid Profile – 5
T3, FT3, T4, FT4, TSH
800 CLIA Serum
4 Hrs
328 1326 TIBC 450 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
329 1327 TORCH Panel (IgG and IgM)
Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, HSV1&2 IgG
& Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, HSV1&2 IgM
3200 ELISA Serum
24 Hrs
330 1328 TORCH PANEL IgG
Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, HSV1&2 IgG
1750 ELISA Serum
24 Hrs
331 1329 TORCH PANEL IgM
Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, HSV1&2 IgM
1750 ELISA Serum
24 Hrs
332 1330 Total WBC Count 130 Automated, Cell Counter Whole Blood EDTA 2 Hrs
333 1358 Toxoplasma IgG & IgM Antiboy 1400 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
334 1359 Toxoplasma IgG Antibody 750 CLIA Serum 24Hrs
335 1360 Toxoplasma IgM ntibody 750 CLIA Serum 24 Hrs
336 1332 Trichomonas Smear 250 Microscopy Cervical smear or
vaginal discharge
2 Hrs
337 1333 Triglycerides 180 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum, Fluid, Urine
2 Hrs
338 1334 Troponin I 850 CLIA Serum
1 Hr
339 1335 TSH 170 CLIA Serum
4 Hrs
340 1336 Tuberculosis Profile
CBC, ESR, ADA, Mantoux test, Urine routine & AFB, Sputum AFB
1000 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA,
10ml urine
and sputum
2 Hrs & 48 to 72 Hrs
341 1337 Typhoid profile
CBC, PS, Widal test, Typhoid IgG
& IgM antibody, Blood C/s,
Urine Complete
1300 Refer , Individual test Whole Blood EDTA,
10ml Urine
and blood in Bactec aerobic bottle
2 Hrs & 5 Days
342 1338 Typhoid test
Widal+Typhoid Antibody
200 Slide agglutination / Immunochromatography Serum 2 Hrs
343 1339 Tzanck Smear 180 Microscopy Air dried smears from
vesicular fluid
2 Hrs
344 1340 Urea/BUN
Vitros Dry Chemistry
130 SerumFluid, Urine Serum
2 Hrs
345 1341 Uric acid creatinine ratio 300 Vitrosa Dry Chemistry 10ml Spot Urine 1 hr
346 1342 Uric acid, 24hrs Urine 150 Vitros Dry Chemistry 24hrs Urine
2 Hrs
347 1343 Uric acid, Serum 150 Vitros Dry Chemistry Serum
2 Hrs
348 1344 Urine Complete 80 Reflectance photometry 10ml Urine 2 Hrs
349 1345 Urobilinogen 50 Manual 10ml Urine
2 Hrs
350 1346 VDRL Test 150 Card Agglutination CSF or
1 hr
351 1347 VDRL Titre 200 Latex method Serum
6 Hrs
352 1348 Vitamin B12 1150 CLIA Serum
36 hrs
353 1349 Vitamin D3 1000 CLIA Serum
4 Hrs
354 1350 Water Culture for coliforms 700 Automated 100 ml water in
sterile container
48 Hrs
355 1351 Weil-Felix 500 Manual Serum 2 Hrs
356 1352 Widal test, tube method 200 Manual Serum
24 Hrs